Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Ohio Trip

So it's been a while. Well, we wanted to update you on Ethan's latest. About 2 months ago Ethan's orthopedic doctor suggested that we consider amputating his foot and fusing the knee on his little leg. This way he would have a stub that would go into a permanent prosthesis with a prosthetic knee. He seemed to think this would be the best time to have this done based on his leg being the same length as his big femur would be when fully grown. We of course did not want to loose his little foot. We love that special foot. It was hard to take this news but we knew it was something we had to consider so that is why we flew to Ohio this past weekend for a second opinion with a doctor that came highly recommended to us.

After a 3 hour long appointment we came out a bit disappointed. Dr. Crawford was very nice but after telling us about the 7 options we had with Ethan's condition (most of which we already knew about and some of which he is not even a canidate for), he told us that it was up to us to decide what to do. After he left the room his nurse told us that he never likes to "give his opinion" but rather let the family decide. This was frustrating for us although we did learn some things that we did not know before. We wondered why we had spent all that money to fly out there if he wouldn't even give us his opinion.

As of right now we have decided to not do anything and just let his little leg be. We still need to spend more time in prayer about it and though we feel not qualified to make this serious medical decision, we know that ultimately it is up to God and what He wants for our Ethan. We are instead going to really focus on making his current prosthesis as comfortable as possible. There are some things that can be done and hopefully that will ease his pain and fatigue at the top of his calf.

Thank you all so much for praying for us. Ohio was so beautiful and we really enjoyed all the leaves turning colors on the trees. The boys of course loved staying in the hotel and watching all the cartoon channels on cable that we don't get at home. We love you all and will keep you posted on anything new.
M, S, A & E