Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Ethan Writes

Some of you wanted to see Ethan's letter that he had to write to apply for the hand bike. So here it is (I typed out what he wrote and these were his words, not ours.) We are so excited! He gets it on July 31st! Check out the invitation below that Roadrunner sent out to all it's employees. We would love it if you could come! There will even be media there!

Dear A.H.A.,
I would like a hand bike because I would never give up. I can't ride a regular bike. It is to hard for me. I also want to ride with my broder (brother) but I can't. When I tried the hand bike I went so fast and it was fun! I would love to have a hand bike!
Ethan de Neve

Subject: Ethan's getting a handcycle

Ethan is getting his handcycle!!!
Thursday, July 31st
RRS San Diego Retail

Hard work really does pay off, and now FEEL GREAT Paying it Forward!!!!

Join Mike as we give Ethan John de Neve his very own handcycle on behalf of the Road Runner Sports Family.
Be there to see the smiles on Ethan & his Family's Faces as he rides around the parking lot.

This will definitely be a moment you don't want to miss!!!!!

Erin Campbell| Executive Assistant|San Diego\ roadrunnersports.com

1 comment:

Kathy said...

I love these pictures (especially the pumpkin pie picture), and I think you're doing the right thing!